Caghan Koksal
Caghan Koksal
Deep Learning
Explaining Medical Image Classifiers with Visual Question Answering Models
Research project on medical visual question answering problem. Explored capabilities of multi-modal Flamingo architecture and domain specific image and text encoders such as PubmedCLIP, PubmedBERT etc.
Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Comics
Worked on Emotion Recognition task on the Golden Age comics. Both text and image modalities are leveraged and fused to classify the emotion of the character.
Face Generation In Golden Age Comics
Worked on Context-based Face Generation in Golden Age Comics (US Comics between the 1930s-1950s). The model predicts the masked face by giving consecutive comic book panels to the model with a randomly selected face masked at the last frame.
Graph Neural Networks on Abdominal Organs
Explored capabilities Graph Neural Networks on organ mesh data. Used GNNs to predict Age, BMI, Sex, Height and weight of the patients.