MSc. Informatics Student

Technical University of Munich


I am an MSc. Informatics student at TUM, with a focus on Computer Vision and NLP. My passion lies in bridging the gap between cutting-edge research and practical applications, consistently integrating state-of-the-art findings into real-world projects.

  • Self-supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Unsupervised (Video) Segmentation
  • Image Generation and Manipulation Scene Graphs
  • MSc. in Informatics, 2021 (Expected Graduation 05.24)

    Technical University of Munich

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2020

    Sabanci University


vision Computer Vision

Video Segmentation, Generative Models, Multimodal Learning

graph Geometric Learning

Scene Graph Generation, Graph Learning

Natural Language Processing

Named Entity Recognition, Question Answering

mern MERN

Basic capabilities with React, Node.js, MongoDB and Redux


Carl Zeiss AG
Master Thesis Student
July 2023 – January 2024 München, Germany
  • Surgical Video Analysis
Carl Zeiss AG
Working Student
September 2022 – July 2023 München, Germany
  • Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of Surgery Videos
Koc University
Research Asssistant
September 2021 – September 2022 Istanbul,Turkey
  • Understanding of Comic Scenes
  • Unsupervised Object Detection in Comic Panels
  • Emotion Recognition in Comic Panels
  • Domain Adaptation with GANs
NLP Working Student
October 2019 – June 2020 Istanbul,Turkey
  • Web Crawling with Selenium
  • Corpora Generation and Text Preprocessing
  • Worked on spell-checking and autocomplete services.
  • Implemented Knowledge Graph with Neo4j


Explaining Medical Image Classifiers with Visual Question Answering Models
Research project on medical visual question answering problem. Explored capabilities of multi-modal Flamingo architecture and domain specific image and text encoders such as PubmedCLIP, PubmedBERT etc.
Explaining Medical Image Classifiers with Visual Question Answering Models
Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Comics
Worked on Emotion Recognition task on the Golden Age comics. Both text and image modalities are leveraged and fused to classify the emotion of the character.
Face Generation In Golden Age Comics
Worked on Context-based Face Generation in Golden Age Comics (US Comics between the 1930s-1950s). The model predicts the masked face by giving consecutive comic book panels to the model with a randomly selected face masked at the last frame.
Face Generation In Golden Age Comics
Graph Neural Networks on Abdominal Organs
Explored capabilities Graph Neural Networks on organ mesh data. Used GNNs to predict Age, BMI, Sex, Height and weight of the patients.
Graph Neural Networks on Abdominal Organs